Bank Collection
SaaS software platform for collections, dunning and credit management for banks, factories and consumer credit companies.
Your key information on a single page (cash to collect, overdue items, outstandings, collection status, top customers, to-do lists, etc.).
- Master your key indicators
- Classify and process your actions by priority and recovery level
- Follow in real time the evolution of your collection files: standard, litigation, contentious
- Simplify your procedures, save time
“I appreciate its ergonomics and its very visual and relevant dashboards. The plus: the monitoring of the overall DSO and by client.”
Historical Timeline
- Find the history of your collection files
- Follow up on all the actions processed
- Allocate your tasks internally
- Share information with your customers and partners in a collaborative platform
Request a personalized demo
“The timeline allows me to have a clearer visual on my invoice history. This makes it much easier for me to forecast my cash receipts.”
Automate your reminder and collection actions
- Parameterization of your scenarios by stage: pre-recall, dunning, collection, litigation
- Classification of actions by category: reminder, collection, litigation
- Choice between automatic and manual processing
- 80% of actions are automated on average
“Automating dunning has allowed us to significantly increase our collection rate very quickly.”
Customize your reminder and collection actions
- Setting up your e-mails, broker, LRAR letter
- Multi-channel communication: telephone mail, broker, LRAR, SMS
- Payment links
- Customer portal
“I can modify my mail templates online, personalize them, and shout out sms champagnes. With ASTON AI I can parameterize my collection actions according to the bank’s internal processes.”